Jingle Bugs: A Comprehensive Guide To Holiday Pest Management For New Jersey Homes

cockroach on a wooden dresser

While most pests are known to be the most active during the spring and summer months, winter is when New Jersey homes are most likely to be invaded by pests. There are many overwintering pests in this area. Instead of hibernating through the winter, these pests will try to find a warm and safe place to hide through the winter. Unfortunately, for many homeowners, this means they are likely to find various pests lurking around their homes during the winter. And with the holidays fast approaching, unwanted guests are the last thing you want in your home during the holidays. 

At Heritage Pest Control, we provide a variety of pest control services throughout the year. We have dealt with all of the common winter pests in New Jersey, and we know the best way to keep your home pest-free this holiday season. 

Santa's Little Helpers: Common Holiday Pests To Watch Out For

During the holiday season, some homeowners will have more food and more guests inside their homes than they normally would throughout the rest of the year. Unfortunately, with this combination, homeowners are more likely to have unwanted pests sneak into their homes. Some of the most common home-invading pests that our local pest control company encounters this time of year include:

  • Ants
  • Rodents
  • Termites
  • Spiders

Most of the overwintering pests in this area are silent invaders. They can sneak into your home and develop into a full-blown infestation before you even know they are there. Finding a qualified team that offers a variety of pest control services near you is the best way to keep your home pest-free in the winter. 

Decking The Halls Without Inviting Pests: Pre-Holiday Preparation

Nothing can ruin your holiday plans faster than seeing a bunch of pests running through your home. If you want to ensure that your home stays pest-free during the holidays. Our pest control company recommends taking these steps:

  • Don´t let your indoor garbage cans become heaping full.
  • Keep a lid on your outdoor trash cans and store the cans far from your home.
  • Check for leaks in and around your home.

You should also have your home regularly inspected for pests. A local pest control company will know specific things to look for when inspecting your home and will be able to determine what type of pests are inside your home.

Pest-Free Cooking For Festive Feasts: Holiday Kitchen Hygiene

Most pests will come into your home if they think it is easy food access. Make sure that you are wiping and sweeping up any food spills and crumbs immediately. You should also keep your pantry clean and organized. Store your pasta, grains, flour, cereal, and other pantry food in airtight containers. 

If you see any pests sneak into your home to nibble on your holiday food, you will need to contact an emergency pest control company as soon as possible to reduce any health risks that the pests may cause you and your guests. 

Stay Merry And Pest-Free: Ongoing Pest Maintenance Tips

Check the exterior walls of your home to ensure that there are no cracks or gaps. If you find any potential openings, seal them quickly with weather stripping or caulking. If you want a customized pest prevention plan, call our Heritage Pest Control professionals today. We provide comprehensive pest control in New Jersey and know how to make your home pest-free for the holidays.

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