Fleas In Your New Jersey Home Can Be A Bigger Problem Than You Think

flea on human skin

Fleas may be small, but they can be a big problem. These tiny pests prefer animal hosts, which is why we tend to associate them with bothering dogs and cats. But fleas can feed on us humans, too. For your own sake and the sake of your pets, you should take a flea infestation seriously. If you read on, you’ll learn all about why fleas can be problematic and how you can prevent and eliminate infestations. This article will also introduce you to our New Jersey pest control services, including effective pest control for fleas. 

How To Tell If It's Fleas In Your Home

First up, how can you be sure that the pests you’re dealing with are actually fleas? Here are some of the key signs. Flea size is typically very small, but these insects aren’t invisible. It’s possible to see fleas jumping near carpets, curtains, and other textiles. Of course, you may also notice small black insects in your pet’s fur. Going back to their preference for animals, another sign of fleas in your New Jersey home is if your pet has been scratching more often lately or they seem agitated. Lastly, flea bite marks on your skin can indicate fleas as well. Again, they don’t prefer humans, but they do sometimes feed on human hosts.  

Fleas In The Home Are A Health Hazard

The presence of fleas in New Jersey isn’t just a simple annoyance for you and Fido. Fleas can cause health hazards in your home. This is because fleas can carry pathogens that lead to various diseases. To give just a small sample of flea diseases, in other words, diseases that fleas can spread, the list includes plague, cat-scratch disease, and even parasites like tapeworms. Risking any of these conditions isn’t a good idea, especially if you have children or pets who are especially sensitive to health risks. If you notice signs of fleas in your home, it’s very important to protect your health by taking action to remove the infestation. 

The Best Way To Completely Get Rid Of A Flea Infestation

Do-it-yourself flea control is generally not effective. It’s possible to remove fleas from your pet, but if the presence of fleas has been an ongoing problem, then it’s likely there are many more hiding in places around your home. Finding all of those tiny insects and removing them one by one isn’t practical. Instead, consider professional flea control to get rid of fleas, which we are proud to offer here at Heritage Pest Control. If you partner with us, we can have members of our team visit and make an informed recommendation for effective flea control treatment. 

We want you to be able to relax at home, not worry about the fleas that might be crawling into your bed at night and driving your dog or cat crazy with their itchy flea bites. But even if you don’t have an infestation currently, flea prevention measures are extremely important, too. 

How To Prevent Future Flea Infestations In Your House

If you’ve recently gotten rid of a flea infestation in New Jersey or you’re trying to avoid experiencing one firsthand, then please take note of the following flea prevention steps: 

  • Take control of your yard and shrubs. Overgrown plants can house fleas.  
  • Reduce the amount of time your pet spends outdoors. Fleas start outdoors and typically need a host, like your pet, to come indoors.
  • Check your pet for fleas on a regular basis. If you find fleas, contact a vet to discuss proper treatment such as medicated shampoos. You should also treat your pet regularly with flea-prevention products.
  • Frequently vacuum carpets and furniture. Deep-clean carpets on a semi-regular basis. 

Contact Heritage Pest Control for information and assistance with fleas and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in New Jersey.

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