Effective Strategies For Squirrel Control: Tips For A Squirrel-Free New Jersey Property

squirrel on grass

We’re all entertained by the playful and acrobatic antics of squirrels, aren’t we? But when these adorable rodents decide to make your property their permanent playground, they might not seem so charming anymore. Whether you've already experienced these challenges or you're looking to prevent future issues, squirrel removal in New Jersey is a top priority for many homeowners. Let's explore these creatures and strategies for keeping them at bay.

Squirrel Behavior And Biology: Insights For Effective Control

To address a squirrel issue, you first need to understand their behavior. New Jersey homeowners commonly face challenges with two types: gray squirrels and the elusive flying squirrels. Gray squirrels, active during the day, scamper around and bury nuts in yards. On the other hand, flying squirrels take the night shift, gliding from tree to tree. Both species excel at finding cozy spots in attics, sheds, and other structures. They nest, hoard food, and, at times, wreak havoc. Recognizing the squirrel type you're dealing with guides your efforts, making it easier to identify entry points and implement effective solutions to control squirrels.

Squirrel-Related Health Concerns: Handling Droppings And Disease Risks

Beyond the usual property damage, squirrels can pose significant health risks. Their droppings may carry bacteria and other pathogens, and no homeowner wants that in their living space. With squirrels often entering storage areas, there's also the potential risk of food contamination. Because cleaning up squirrel droppings can pose health risks, your well-being needs to ensure this material is handled properly. Professional services will ensure regular cleanup and, in certain cases, thorough sanitation. This not only helps in keeping your property clean but also reduces the risk of diseases that squirrels can bring. Hence, it becomes all the more necessary to get rid of squirrels swiftly and efficiently.

Tips For Squirrel-Proofing Your Yard: Protecting Your Home And Garden

Taking control of a squirrel situation starts by taking proactive prevention steps. Here are some DIY tips to squirrel-proof your property:

  • Trimming trees and branches: Regularly trim the trees and branches near your home. This minimizes the chances of squirrels jumping from trees onto your roof or balcony.
  • Garbage management: Ensure your garbage cans have tight-fitting lids. Squirrels are often attracted to leftover food.
  • Planting mint or hot peppers: Squirrels dislike the smell of mint and the taste of hot pepper. Planting these around your garden can act as a natural deterrent.
  • Securing bird feeders: If you have bird feeders, make sure they're squirrel-proof or placed at a distance where squirrels can't easily access them.

Remember, while these methods can be effective, if the problem persists, it might be time to call in the experts for home pest control in New Jersey. Heritage Pest provides effective squirrel control services to keep your home free of these rodents.

Squirrel Control Done Right: Contact The Experts Today!

While DIY methods can offer temporary relief, it takes the touch of professionals to get rid of squirrels for good. At Heritage Pest, we provide a comprehensive suite of services to address the root of your squirrel problems. From our thorough exclusion work, which detects and seals entry points, to our humane removal methods that ensure the safety of nursing mother squirrels and their babies, we've got you covered. 

Beyond squirrel issues, our pest-proofing services offer broader protection, including raccoon-proofing, to ensure all bases are covered. And for those spots where squirrels have already settled in, our professional sanitation services will restore your property to its pristine state. If you're seeking top-notch squirrel control, Heritage Pest stands ready to assist. Reach out and bid farewell to your squirrel troubles with us by your side.

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