Answering New Jersey's Commonly Asked Cricket Questions

up close of a cricket

Do you ever wonder about crickets? If you have had one of these annoying insects indoors recently, some questions may have crossed your mind. Today we will be talking about crickets and offering some information to help you control these pests inside your New Jersey home. If you don’t have time for research and just want a quick solution to get and keep these pests out, call us now. We offer detailed solutions for a range of area house pests and would be happy to assist you with your pest control needs.

Why Do I Keep Finding  Crickets In My House?

Crickets are unarguably annoying when they get inside. These pests regularly invade homes in New Jersey. The question is, what attracts crickets? Unlike some other area pests, crickets do not want to live in your home year-round. They only come indoors when it is necessary for their survival. More often than not they find their way inside accidentally by crawling through gaps, cracks, and other openings. Once indoors, they find ways to survive by feeding on things like silk, wool, cotton, leather, and other insects. Crickets might also come indoors when the weather gets cold. If you are not currently having trouble with these pests, that could change as we head towards fall. 

How Long Do Crickets Live?

Have you ever asked the question: how long do crickets live? Let’s walk through their journey. All crickets start out in eggs. A single female can produce between 200 and 1,500 eggs in her lifetime. To do this she will mate with many males in order to fertilize multiple batches of eggs. Cricket eggs take anywhere from 13 to 26 days to hatch. Eggs hatch faster in higher temperatures and slower in colder conditions. Once hatched, nymphs take roughly 14 days to reach adulthood. Adults then live for 60 to 90 days. Keeping all of this in mind, if you suspect these pests are inside your home, you must deal with them before they reproduce. To keep crickets out of your home in the first place, we recommend putting in place some DIY strategies. Here are a few to try:

  • Seal gaps and cracks around your home’s exterior foundation.
  • Make sure all of your window/door screens are in good working condition.
  • Install door sweeps under unprotected exterior doors.
  • Repair and replace damaged weatherstripping around your home.

For more help with keeping crickets out, consider investing in professional cricket control courtesy of Heritage Pest Control.

Can Crickets Jump High?

You might already know this, but crickets move around by jumping. Although all species are different, common field and house crickets are able to jump about three feet. These small pests are also adept climbers and can stick to vertical surfaces with ease. They use this ability to sneak into area homes. If you don’t want crickets in your house, take some time today to learn about pest control methods.

How Heritage Pest Control Can Help With Cricket Infestations

The only way to effectively get rid of crickets is to hire a professional. At Heritage Pest Control, we offer detailed solutions to combat a range of invasive and problematic house pests. Our general pest control plans will not just remove crickets from your interior spaces but will provide lasting protection against future bugs that might want to invade your home. 

Call us today to find out why you need pest control in New Jersey and learn what our team can do to deal with crickets around your home. We promise that you will find the solution you are looking for.

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