How To Get Rid Of Ants On Your New Jersey Property

carpenter ant on wood

Ant infestations are never fun, but here in New Jersey, they can be especially irritating. Our cold winters mean some ant species are dependent on our warm homes and our food for months at a time. Ants can be everything from a minor nuisance to a huge problem. Some ant varieties can spread serious diseases and do significant property damage. That means you need to take measures to prevent infestations and do something about them as soon as you see signs of an issue. Let’s talk about what you can do. 

Common Area Ants

We’ve got tons of pest ant species in New Jersey, and most of them are nothing more than an irritating bother. However, there are a few common species that stink, spread disease, sting, or damage your home:

  • Carpenter Ants: These large black ants live up to their name. They like to build their nests in wood, carving through it to create yard upon yard of tunnels and living chambers. This behavior can reduce wood’s structural integrity and lead to severe damage that can cost thousands of dollars.
  • Odorous House Ants: These small, sugar-loving ants also earn their name because they’re so darned odorous. These ants give off a foul, rotten coconut smell when crushed or frightened. This odor isn’t toxic or dangerous, but it can linger and leave your house smelling terrible.
  • Pavement Ants: These small brown to black ants get their name from their habit of nesting in pavement cracks. They’ll also nest in cracks in your home’s siding or foundation. Though they’re not aggressive and prefer flight to fight, these ants can and sometimes do sting when disturbed.
  • Pharaoh Ants: These small, yellow ants are thought to originate in Africa, but they’ve spread themselves around the world on human trade routes. Pharaoh ants’ main danger is the diseases they spread. They carry several different strains of bacteria including staph, strep, and salmonella.

Ant Prevention Tips

  • Since ants can cause all kinds of problems in your home or commercial property, it’s important to keep them away. The good news is there are tons of things you can do to repel multiple ant varieties, including the ones discussed above:
  • Store both indoor and outdoor trash in tightly lidded-containers.
  • Never leave pet foods sitting out. Clean up both uneaten food and pet bowls after mealtimes.
  • The same applies to human dishes. Clean up right after meals and don’t leave dirty dishes in the sink. Wipe kitchen counters after cooking.
  • Always keep pantry foods in airtight containers. Don’t leave things like cookie jars or fruit bowls sitting out uncovered.
  • If you see a line of ants, spray it with vinegar to disrupt pheromone trails.
  • Vacuum frequently to clean up crumbs that could attract ants.
  • Seal up cracks and holes in your home’s exterior.

If you do wind up with an ant problem, it can be tough to deal with on your own. Ant colonies are large and complex entities with up to hundreds of thousands of individuals. They have complicated nests that protect the queen deep within the colony, and if the queen is alive, she can repopulate the colony no matter how many workers you kill. What’s even worse, some ant species can stand up a new queen from the existing brood if you kill the other one.

Fortunately, there’s a better way. Here at Heritage Pest Control, our ongoing commercial and residential treatment programs can deal with multiple ant varieties, including pavement ants, carpenter ants, pharaoh ants, and more. So give us a call at (866) 932-1331 or visit our contact page to schedule your inspection today. 

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