What To Do If You Spot Mud Tubes Around Your New Jersey Home

termites crawling outside

If you're anything like most New Jersey homeowners, hearing the word termites will make your skin crawl. Even if you don't know exactly what termites look like or recognize the signs, the one thing you do know is that an infestation can cause significant damage to your home. 

As a homeowner, one of the most effective ways to protect your home against termites is to be proactive in recognizing the signs of termites, and mud tubes are one of the most significant signs of a termite infestation. Mud tubes are how termites travel from their underground colony to their above-ground food sources (your home).

Suppose you notice mud tubes in or along the exterior of your home. In that case, it's a significant sign you have a termite infestation, and only termite professionals can safely and effectively remove them from your home. Regarding termites, only the best pest control in New Jersey will rid your home of such destructive pests. Contact Heritage Pest Control for termite removal services.

The Dreaded Mud Tubes Running Along Your Foundation

Termite mud tubes measure 1/4 to an inch in diameter and spread from your home's foundation to the walls and exterior of your home, resembling veins or even a highway. 

If you see these dreaded mud tubes, one way to check to see if your home has an active infestation is to break the mud tube. If you see termites pouring out, your home has an active infestation. If you break the tube and no termites are present, come back in a few days to check on the mud tube; if it's still broken, the mud tube is likely old and inactive. However, if the tube is complete, your home has an active infestation and will require professional termite control services.

How Much Damage Can Termites Cause

Termites aren't called "silent destroyers" for nothing. These pests can not only depreciate your home's value but also cost you a pretty penny to repair the damage they've caused to your home. Termites cause over $5 billion in property damage every year.

Before you get eaten out of your house and home by termites, call Heritage Pest Control for permanent termite removal.

Four Things Every Homeowner Ought To Know About Termites

Termites in New Jersey are not just a nuisance to homeowners but pose severe threats to your home. However, this doesn't mean you should live in fear, worrying about termites. The more you know about these pests, the more proactive you can be about prevention:

  1. Homeowners' insurance policies do not cover termites.
  2. Termites don't bite humans.
  3. Termites can infest your home for years without you knowing they are present.
  4. Termites never stop eating. They eat 24/7, 365 days a year.

Knowing these four facts about termites is imperative to properly handling a termite infestation. Remember, it is best to leave termite control to the professionals. Let Heritage Pest Control get rid of your termite problem.

Why Not Calling The Termite Professionals Is A Big Mistake

On average, you should be getting a termite inspection once a year for the ongoing protection of your home, especially if you notice mud tubes in or around your home.

At Heritage Pest Control, we have licensed pest control technicians ready to help you regain control of your home. We offer various service programs to provide you with the highest level of protection against troublesome pests.

No matter your pest problem, don't hesitate to call the best pest control in New Jersey, Heritage Pest Control.

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